Latterbarrow (803') Carron Crag (1030')

Sat 14 May 2016

Latterbarrow summit

Picked up Andrew at 7:30 and we set off on a coolish day with a north-westerly breeze and soon reached Colthouse. We could find only one place to park which doesn't upset locals. I can't recall some of this walk here that I did in 2011 because now the felled area of Latterbarrow has new saplings. But the path was very easy to follow, and soon we were enjoying fantastic views on all sides except the south where trees obscured the coastal area.

Latterbarrow seen from the felled area

New saplings

Langdale Pikes from Latterbarrow

The views are panoramic, and when seen in situ they look great, but when photographed there is too much foreground and the distant mountains are very small in the frame.

Back at the car we set off again, and drove to Grizedale. We parked in the large lay-by just past the official car park.

The facilities at the Forestry Centre have expanded since my earlier visit and now there are mountain bikes for hire. Some riders seem to think that walkers won't be on the paths, and we encountered some careering down from the wood at breakneck speed. There are new forest tracks, too, which meant I had to estimate which one followed AW's original route, until we emerged at the correct crossroads on the higher forest road.

Photo taken March 2011

We looked for the statue of the Woodsman, but it is no longer there. I meant to ask at the centre later but forgot.
Chris Jesty shows a new path from the crossroads which is far more interesting than the walk along the road which Wainwright describes. We soon reached the large wooden circle, that looks like the 'Star Gate', or the portal in the Star Trek Original Series City On The Edge Of Forever !

The Star Gate?!

There were more visitors than one would have expected on such an obscure little fell: but, of course, the facilities below and an easier set of paths that have been developed have made the place very popular.

Ah well...


We stayed to eat our lunch and then made the longish trek down to the cafe where I had a mug of tea and the largest scone I have ever seen. Andrew had an ice cream.